Monday, February 12, 2007

Older Women To Teach The Younger

The concept of the older women teaching the younger women is one that has gotten somewhat lost in the culture. In our culture, even within the Church, age has become something not to be revered, but something to at least dread and at most to be totally avoided if possible! It is not commendable to look older, much less to have thoughts and ideas that are from a bygone era. However, Biblically, God has given older women a very important duty, that of teaching the younger women! Maybe that is why husbands aren’t being loved (respected) as they ought to be. We as older women need to be obedient to God’s mandates no matter how the culture dictates and according to
Titus 2:4, one of our main duties is to teach the younger women “to love their husbands and to love their children”. (I will address exactly what I see that means at a later time, but for now, I will focus on the teaching.)

So who are the older women? Well, we are all older than someone and some of us are older than many! If we have experience in the Christian walk and if we have young ladies or girls that are under our realm of influence, then we are to teach them the things that God has instilled on our hearts through His Word. We are not all able to have audiences of hundreds or even tens as some of the godly ladies that God has gifted for public speaking, but most of us have daughters and others in our families who need to be taught and encouraged to step out from the mold and do what God has commanded!

How do we go about teaching these principles? “Example” is one good way, and it is VERY important that our example support our words, but the words MUST be there as well. Without the words of admonishment from God’s Word, our example may be considered just that, an example or a preference. This principle of the older teaching the younger is not just a preference, it is a command, and we need to be sure that we let that be known. Our culture is so relativistic, and we need to be sure that Christian young ladies know that God’s commands are not relative, they are mandates backed up with Truth. And if they truly are commands of God, then not to obey them is sin.

Let’s make a difference in our homes and our churches and let’s be “doers of the Word and not hearers only!” James 1:22. This is part of the motivation for this blog! May God use these thoughts in the hearts of my own daughters and grand daughters and if He so chooses, may He use them in the hearts of many other young ladies for His Glory!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

She Is Blessed

Well, we are snowed in here in West Michigan, so I thought it would be a good day to just relax and write my first entry to the blog I established last week.

I wanted to first of all let you know how we came up with the title for this blog. One reason we came up with “She Is Blessed” was that many of the other titles we thought of were already taken! After we came up with this title, we were actually quite pleased with it.

Proverbs 31: 28 says of a virtuous wife that “her children rise up and call her blessed”. Next to my desire to hear the words, “Well Done”, from my Savior, I long to hear the words of my children rising to call me “blessed” as a result of the life I have lived before them on this earth. I once heard it said that the only thing you can take with you to Heaven is people. And who would I desire to take with me more than my children, assuming that my husband is on his way! And who better to lead them there than a mother and father who are totally committed to the Lord, to each other and to the family that God has given to them? Therefore to be called “blessed” by my children and grandchildren would be the crowning touch to a life lived here and would make a reward of many of the difficult things we have endured in this world!

Just a little note of praise and a reminder that our job as moms and grandmas never ends, we were blessed with a new baby grandson this week given by our son and daughter-in-law in Ohio. His name is Iain Paul and we were able to meet him about 5 hours after he was born. We were to have been there for the birth, but he came almost three weeks early by C-section.
May the Lord bless the coming week and may you find the Lord to be your faithful guide throughout each day!