Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Prayer Requests for August 14

I feel like we are in the calm before the storm with the Olympics taking the spotlight for a couple of weeks. However, we can’t allow ourselves to be lulled to sleep in the area of praying for the elections. For right after the Olympics comes the first major convention and then the very next week is the other major convention. That means that there will be LOTS going on and many decisions will be made. We need to PRAY and PRAY for all of the implications of this very important election! This is our opportunity to “rest in the Lord” as we get ready to wage the huge battle that is before us. Remember, the official campaign season starts after Labor Day, so we haven’t seen anything yet!

1. Praise for the safety of our President as he traveled in China and Asia last week!

2. Pray for the conflict between Russia and Georgia and for the impact this could have on our country and on our election!

3. Continue to pray for the choice of running mates as those decisions are still in the making.

4. Pray that God will protect the cities that are preparing for the conventions.

5. Pray that righteousness will prevail as party platforms are put together and that our Christian values will be taken into consideration! Pray for our Christian leaders who are using their voices to influence party platforms.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is good that you keep this current.