Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Prayer Requests for October 23

Elijah prayed and it did not rain! Elijah also prayed and fire burned up the sacrifice even though it had been doused with buckets of water! Hannah prayed and she received power to conceive! Time after time God answered the prayers of His servants! We serve the same powerful and faithful God Who delights not only in hearing from His children, but He delights in giving them the things that they request! And God is STILL able to do “over and above ALL that we could ask or think”! We have almost two weeks before what many are calling the most crucial election in our nation’s history. We need to ask God for His mercy and His faithful power to manifest itself in these troubled times. We need to put forth even greater effort in these final days before the election. Maybe some of you will plan gatherings in your home for the purpose of praying for this election. I am organizing an “around the clock” prayer vigil for November 3 at our church. Maybe some of you could do something similar. Whatever you can do, God will honor the prayers and the efforts of His people! Let’s pray to the God who said that “if we have the faith the size of a grain of mustard seed we could remove mountains”. We have a mountain before us, but we serve a God Who is good at moving them! Let’s pray and then trust that His will has been accomplished!

1. Pray that God’s people will get involved in prayer and then vote on Biblical issues!

2. Pray that God will show mercy on our country and put in power someone who will stand firm on Biblical issues as much as is possible.

3. Pray for the protection of those who are out campaigning and most especially those running for the top spots.

4. Pray that our citizens will hear what is being said and think about the ramifications for the future of our country.

5. Pray that Truth and righteousness will prevail through this election and beyond!

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