Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Loving Your Children -- Part III

Shielding Them

I am writing today on a topic that probably wouldn’t have come up this soon had it not been for the events that occurred on Monday, April, 16, 2007. It is hard to overlook this grave event and go on to any other topic. No, I am not going to write about the terribleness of what happened, but I am going to give my thoughts on how we as mothers and grandmothers can shield our children and grandchildren from the culture in which we live. Just as Jesus longed to gather the children in Jerusalem together “as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings” (Matthew 6:37), we need to gather our children and protect them from the wickedness of our culture!

I am sure that some of you are wondering how I am going to suggest that you shield your children from these things. Well, let me assure you that I am well aware that we cannot lock our kids or ourselves up in a room and throw away the key! I am suggesting, however, that we can do things that will give them the tools to be able to respond to events of this nature that WILL occur during their lifetimes. And if my predictions are correct, as I look back over the 59 years that I have been in this world, it appears to me that these events will occur with more and more frequency as we move along through this century!

First of all, don’t let your children have free reign over the television or computer! They don’t need to see any of the coverage of such events! (As far as that goes, we moms and grandmas don’t need to see all that much of the coverage either. Does it encourage or edify us to see all the details that the media thrusts upon us without warning? Does it cause us to think about things that are pure and honorable and lovely? Philippians 4:8) At this point, you might react with a comment about living in “the real world” and how children need to know what goes on in their world. I will respond with a question: Who determines what the real world is for your children? God’s Word says that “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) So if your children have fear, it is not from God. And to let them see any of the coverage of this type of event on the television (or to let them watch programming of any kind that instills fear) cannot be of God! So remember, when your friends or others say something about how maimed your children are going to be socially if they don’t know what is going on in the “real world”, let them know that the “real world” for your children is the one that God has helped you establish in your home through the guidance of His Word. And how do I know so much about this argument? It was used many times on our family as we raised our children and protected them from so many of the pitfalls that were prevalent during the ‘80’s and the ‘90’s.
I guess I won’t get to a second point today as I don’t want anyone to fall asleep reading when I know that many of you must work hard to carve out precious time to check on what is new on the computer. I will try to get back to this topic soon. Have a great week and don’t forget to pray for your children.


Tully Family said...


This is Heather- a friend of Renee's from Dayton, Ohio. Eric and I were apart of the Bible study. Renee told me about your blog and in the past few days I have read through your posts. I wanted to thank you for this blog- you have been an encouragement to me. Sometimes Christian mamas of many littles can feel so alone!

We do shelter our children- without feeling guilty because we strongly believe this is what the Lord has called us to do. Our children do know about the murders that took place this week because we have been praying for those families and our nation ever since. They do not, however, know all of the details- they do not need to. While we shelter them, they do know we live in a fallen world where much sin and corruption remains. All is not without hope- our blessed Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, will come one day soon and bring judgment & peace. The events this week are a good reminder of these things.


(Just so you know, I feel really, really awkward calling you by "Ruth." I would say Mrs.... and fill in your last name but just in case you do not want that shared with the world of bloggers... I'll use Ruth.)

Beverly said...

Dear Mrs. T,

Just a note to let you know that I too have become a reader of your blog. I wanted to let you know that so you can be encouraged that you are indeed encouraging others! :-)

I know Renee from our Cedarville days. I'm an Air Force wife home schooling our little ones...we have 4 children now, ages 6 1/2, 5, 3 1/2, and 7 weeks. I will be keeping up with your blog. Thanks for sharing!

In Christ,

Ruth said...

Thanks, ladies, for the encouraging comments. I appreciate hearing your input. Praying God will use you in your homes and families to raise Godly children for Him! Mrs. T.